zondag 10 januari 2016

Goodbye readers!

Goodbye readers!

This will be already my last blogpost. In this blogpost I will give an overview of my 6 different visits and its different usages of social media. Furthermore, I will give an conclusion with an eye on the objectives that I have stated beforehand.

I have visited the Martinitoren, het Noorderplantsoen, de Prinsentuin, Hotel Prinsenhof, Stadspark Camping and Groninger Museum. I enjoyed looking to all these tourist attractions from a different angle than I normally would do. Each attractions used social media in different ways and I will discuss this shortly in the following section.

The first objective was to find out if social media is an effective tool to attract consumers. I would say that it’s definitely effective, evidence is given by Groninger Museum and research has multiple times revealed that interaction between suppliers and consumers enhances the touristic experience for consumers and therefore sales for suppliers. However, still not all the tourist attraction optimally use social media to attract consumers such as the Martinitoren.

The second objective was to investigate whether the usage of consumers impacts the popularity of tourist attractions. This is of course hard to say, however Hotel Prinsenhof, de Prinsentuin, Groninger Museum all had a lot of positive reactions and feedback on the internet and this will definitely have influence on tourists.

Finally, the last objective was to find out whether the tourist attractions put somehow attention on their social media. This was not as evident as I expected. Groninger Museum had big posters, het Noorderplantsoen some signs and de Prinsenhof had an recognition sign of a good quality hotel.

So how would I define the link between tourism and social media in Groningen? In Groningen there is definitely interaction between consumers and suppliers via social media. However, this could be expanded very much, by more interaction which will increase the utility of consumers. So I hope that in Groningen social media will be seen as an effective tool to interact with consumers and will be playing a bigger role in the future.

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog, I hoped you enjoyed seeing my personal photos, in any case: I enjoyed writing this blog!


Selfie-time in Istanbul! :)

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