zondag 10 januari 2016

Stadspark Camping, would you stay over there?

Hello everybody,

Today I’m going to discuss the stadspark camping. I always used to go on vacation for 2 weeks together with my family and we always stayed with a caravan on a camping. So I’m an expert on the field of what attractive is for children and what isn’t.

Camping Stadspark is for tourists not comparable with for example Hotel Prinsenhof, so we are looking to a totally different branche of people. These people have probably a lower budget and will be pickier about choosing a camping. Therefore, for Camping Stadspark it’s even more important to have a good image on the internet.  A dutch site called Zoover.nl is the website for people to give ratings and post comments. On zoover.nl camping stadspark has an average score of 7.5 which I find decent. It also has only 13 reviews, which I find low compared with more popular campings where I have been such as de Molenhof and de Kleine Wolf, they approximately have 700 reviews.

Considering their social media pages, they are doing ‘better’. Although they are closed at the moment, they still post actively on Facebook. Also, on Twitter there are occasionally some tweets. On Facebook they also have a rating of 5 stars out of 5. However, there are only 4 people who voted.
Camping Stadspark has also their own website. I find this a clear website with sufficient information. They also refer to other tourist attractions like the Martinitoren, Noorderplantsoen and Groninger Museum because they are situated closely to these attractions. This is very smart to attract more tourists.

In conclusion I can say that Camping Stadspark isn’t very known by a lot of people, therefore it has not a lot of ratings on Zoover.nl. However, they do sufficient in terms of social media to attract tourists. Despite this, they could promote more to review and vote for them on popular review sites.

Kind regards,


Our beautiful caravan! 

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